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Swipe to learn about recent climate findings. A study published on May 8, 2023 suggests that US oil and gas activity produces an annual health cost of $77 BILLION.
🎶 Some commentary on Harry Styles’ Grammys acceptance speech.
We’ve all learned about Martin Luther King Jr.’s non-violent approach to racial justice. However, there’s more to his activism than we’re taught in school. Swipe to read on. ➡️📖

✍️ From @impact
🌍 Here’s a roundup of some major climate wins of 2022 from @jessicakleczka and @earthlyeducation!
🌍 Swipe to learn about how Fox News promoted disinformation about the fossil fuel industry in 2022.
Happy Kwanzaa! Swipe to learn about the holiday. ❤️🖤💚
🧵 Swipe to read a short thread on the vegan-to-ecofascist pipeline.

cr: @ magnetothemagnificent on Tumblr


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