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Alexis Williams

Gain higher impact through authenticity & strategy


Your comfort zone is a slow-purpose killer and it’s time to get out of it if you want to fulfill the purpose of your life. ✨

Honestly,  I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t moved from my comfort zone to my zone of genius (zone of growth). 
Before you started your online business, you more than likely were in your comfort zone. You were operating in a safe and controlled place which allowed for low risk and low reward.  But now you’re craving the growth zone which is where you find your purpose, and live out your dream life by setting new goals and fulfilling the call to see results. 

But here’s the real… to see your purpose come to life, you can’t keep throwing spaghetti at the wall. You have to be willing to put in effort, silence your fear, be willing to learn, and put in hard work. 

Because it is hard work. 

I believe every woman that wants to grow in this space, can do just that because it’s never too late to shift your mindset and put in the work necessary to make it happen. 

If I’m being completely transparent, I played around in my business for two months when I first started, and then I said enough was enough and I did the work and tapped into my zone of genius, and in 60 days I was able to walk away from my job and now I am here — two years later. 

This can be your story too, don’t think otherwise. 🤍

PS:  I have (5 spots) open for my 1:1 Strategy Sessions, during your session, I will guide you on how to implement your goals and teach you how to use simple yet effective strategies to grow your business while also being your mentor for (5 additional days) after your call to help you with implementation and your mindset surrounding your business. 🔗 in bio! 

#onlineserviceprovider #virtualassistantlife #virtualassistantservices #onlinebusinessmentor #brandstrategies #onlinecommunity #womenentrepreneurship #virtualassistantforhire
If you want to work together, the time is now! ♥️

👉🏾 I’m accepting two women into my mentorship program Ground One for January and will have a waitlist available for February 2023 when spots are filled.
👉🏾 I’m accepting two contracted clients for my Social Media Manager + Virtual Assistant Services 

If you're an entrepreneur looking to see growth in her business in 2023, I have 5 services that can get you to that next level. 👇🏾

An intense session for the entrepreneur wanting to make a higher impact in business through her online marketing. You will get tailored solutions to your burning problems and start seeing a shift in your audience's response to you and your content.

Intimate 14-day mentorship, where I will teach you how to authentically market your business, erase confusion and invite clarity to your branding and messaging, and teach you how to make a high impact in the online space.

A 6-month package for the entrepreneur looking to scale her social media presence, make an authentic impact with her audience and want to delegate to a Social Media Manager to start seeing results online.

A 6-month package for the entrepreneur that is scaling their business by incorporating bigger marketing strategies and systems to grow their annual revenue and needs a Virtual Assistant to hand over routine responsibilities to maintain and promote growth.

A 6-month package for the entrepreneur that is established and wants to add a Virtual Assistant to their team to stay on track with their business monthly needs and have the highest level of intimate support for their business.

If you desire a business of high impact and growth, pick the best service that fits your current business position, and let's start working! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. My DM’s are always open! 💕 And if you know you are ready to go, click the link in my bio to get started! 

#virtualassistantmentor #virtualassistantservices #virtualassistantforhire #virtualassistantcommunity
The “I can do it alone” complex, can only get you so far. 

You need accountability, honest feedback, and sound advice to help turn your business dreams into reality.

The truth is, staying accountable to yourself can be challenging and hard when it comes down to pushing yourself past your mindset and your output, so you have to make the turn-point decision to build your circle of support to start seeing the success you want in your business and the online space. 

I want to help you with the next step after deciding to get yourself an accountability mentor. 

DM “accountability” to get access to your "Refine Your Positioning" session. This is a FREE rapid-fire 30-minute session for you if you're ready to shed your "I can do it alone" complex and gain honest feedback from an expert in the industry. You want to know what you can do right now to refine your positioning in the online space and walk away ready to show up with a higher impact through your power of authenticity and clarity.

This will be for a *limited time* so be sure to connect with me, so we can get you on my calendar! Again, it's 100% free 🤩
If you're going to show up to attract clients, you might as well show up to attract LONG-TERM clients. 😬

There's so much that goes into having an Unmatched Client Experience but today I wanted to cover the absolute basics that can set you apart from a lot of people because don't be fooled it's people promoting their services but don't live up to the measure of what it takes to provide a great and memorable client experience. 

The bottom line is you can have:

→The best marketing strategy 
→The most attractive prices 
→The most supportive community 
→The best and most eye-catching content 

But if you're client experience is terrible, none of that matters. 

Because what matters is: 

→Your Reputation 
→ Your predictable and reliable income 
→Your follow-through 

Your top priority should not only be attracting clients but also turning them into long-term and repeatable clients. 🙌🏾
If this resonates with you - it's time to work with me, someone who can show you the framework of how I turn clients into long-term clients. Book a 1:1 90-minute Strategy Call today and let's review and implement new ways to create an unmatched client experience for your business! 

Link in bio ⬆️

#onlineserviceprovider #virtualassistantlife #virtualassistantservices #onlinebusinessmentor #brandstrategies #onlinecommunity #womenentrepreneurship #virtualassistantforhire
Okay here goes... NO ONE IS JUDGING YOU, and if they are it’s not a you problem, it’s a them problem. 

When it comes to building, growing, or pivoting your business you can not allow the idea of judgment to slow your progress. 

You can’t give false narratives and thoughts (because how you know someone is on your profile judging you 😅) that much power. 

Your goals = you showing up authentically and with strategy. 

Fear doesn’t fit in the equation. 

Look at it this way, if you’re tired of securing short-term clients here and there and you’re ready to gain long-term clients you have to have the mindset of long-term clients. 

Long-term clients are more than likely established business owners, that have a consistent and reliable income and are authentic, bold, and are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. They aren’t inconsistent and they are always ready to deliver their absolute best. They couldn’t care less about what someone could be thinking about them because they know what they bring to the table and the value they hold. 

So show up like the clients you want to attract - with this mindset fear of judgment won’t be able to exist anymore! 

Drop a 🔥 if this is what you needed to hear today!
Every day you show up, even when it's tough, you make a difference.

Even on the days when you don't feel like showing up, remember that your community needs your unique talents and perspectives. 

Your work, no matter how small it may seem, contributes to a bigger picture. 

Consistency in your efforts, even on the hard days, matters.

Your presence can bring motivation and positivity to those in your community.

Every day, you have the opportunity to make an impact. 

Keep showing up.
If you want to grow your business, start creating and limit consumption. 👏🏾

And please don’t get me wrong; consumption IS necessary when operating your business because it’s an advantage to learn, elevate your thinking, and it can add to your library of knowledge.

→So yes, lock in on investing in quality programs, listen to the credible experts in your niche, and do all the things, but don’t become so consumed with information that you become paralyzed from actually doing the work. 

The work looks like creation - not just posting on your timeline or sending weekly emails but actually creating an action plan to reach your goals. 

It looks like putting yourself out there and going after attracting those clients that will position you to use your skills and gifts so that you develop and build toward your future. 

It also looks like doing deep work to identify what transformations you want to see established not only in your client’s businesses BUT YOUR OWN. By doing the deep work you will be able to build consistency and start to see growth and results. 

This is how I went from having just ONE CLIENT for FOUR MONTHS to working with over 30 women in just two years. And without a doubt, you can do it too!

Ready to attract ready-to-pay clients? Download my new freebie, “Your Zone of Genius Audit: Define Your Zone to Gain Long-term Clients”! Link in bio.✨