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Steven Anderson


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Another Milestone Unlocked ⭐️🎓

This week, I attended my official graduation and commencement ceremony @nus_singapore Being chosen as one of their Honour Graduates with the Highest Distinction, I feel like I nailed it ! 🤩

It’s a surreal feeling to finally have my master degree and to reflect on the journey that led me here. When I look back, I was hesitating whether pursuing a master’s degree is worth the time. I was filled with uncertainty weighting the pros and cons and questioned my own capabilities in competing with many smart minds in NUS. Today, I have no regrets as this 1 year experience has been very transformative 👏

I’ve had the privilege to meet many wonderful minds from professors, mentors, practitioners who nurtured my growth and pushed me beyond my limits. Not only that, I want to thanks to my Parents, Family and my NUS schoolmates as without their support I can’t be the person I am today 🔥

Here's to new beginnings, endless possibilities, and an exciting future ahead 🚀

#graduation #nus #university #nusclassof2023 #nusbusinessschool
Looking Back at 2020 is indeed an amazing yet unforgettable year 🔥
At first, this year seemed so bad due to the pandemic and it looks like things won’t go as planned ⭐️
When the pandemic happened in March, the Indonesian Stock Market went down as well as my asset & company’s revenue. 
However, God is good all the time as He gave me the idea to always adapt and innovate throughout this volatile and uncertain condition and as a result I’m able to double the revenue of my business @customcakesurabaya in this uncertain condition😇
I’m thankful to God that my parents’ company @arthakharismasurabaya is also able to survive and I don’t recall cutting human resource costs at all and we’re always able to pay our team on time ✨
Last but not least, In this pandemic I’m also able to open two new businesses which are @sepatuorisurabaya and @fotafotoproduk and it's all thanks to God ! 🙏
Have a Happy New Year Everyone ! 🎇
#byebye2020 #welcome2021
Unofficially Graduated! Steven Anderson S.M., MSc. 🎓

One year flew by. Words can’t describe how much I’ve learned from all of my experience here in Singapore, especially as it was filled with many unique yet unexpected challenges. 🥳🙏

In NUS, I was pushed to do beyond my limit, and I had to be adaptable to various situations and conditions to swiftly decide what mattered to me. I’m grateful for every learning experience that I got here at NUS, it was an amazing experience to have studied in NUS Biz this past year. 

Thanks to all the wonderful human beings I’ve been blessed with during my study, it was a really fun experience to be graduated in a such conducive environment where I can meet many great minds, explore new interests, challenge myself, as well as learn in great schools! Here’s hoping I can pay it forward! 👨🏻‍🎓🔥

#graduation #nus #university #nusclassof2022 #nusbusinessschool
Gerebek Garasi Alat Berat Artha Kharisma senilai puluhan miliar !!!
Yuk kita spill unit apa aja yang ada di garasi artha kharisma kita ada semua loh guys mulai dari excavator dozer grader crane vibro hingga aneka macam truck cari alat berat ? Langsung aja ke @arthakharismasurabaya 
#fyp #serunyabelaiar #alatberat #alatberatexcavator #motorgrader #grader
#komatsu #pc200 #dozer
#alatberatindonesia #alatberatmania #excavatoroperator #excavator #trending #operator #mekanikmuda #anaktambang #tambangbatubara #loker #infoloker #alatberattambang
Beli truk selfloader seharga 1 Miliar ? Jadi guys kita baru saja beli truck selfloader dan dirakitkan di karoseri dan habis 1 miliar 
Menurut kalian spend 1 miliar nambah armada Untuk truck crane dan selfloader ini worth it ngga sih ? Yuk kita spill perhitungannya 
#fyp #samasamabelajar #foryoupage #truk
#trukindonesia #trukmania
#trukmaniaindonesia #trukindo
#trukindonesia #trukselfloader #selfloader
#supir #supirindonesia #supirtruck
#supirmuda #kernet #alatberat
Ganti ban alat berat vibro bisa rugi sampai puluhan juta ? Bisa profit gak sih bisnis rental alat berat ? Yuk kita spill perhitungannya
#fyp #foryoupage #samasamabelajar #alatberat #mekanik #mekaniktiktok #ban #banalatberat #excavatoroperator #alatberatexcavator #operatormuda #anaktambang #sparepart #operator #operator #excavator


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