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Do you grow your own food? We became reliant on others for our food so now growing our own food is a skill we don’t have. 🌱🍑🍓🌶🥦🥒🥕🌽.
What I do love about this learning process is Marcus’s enthusiasm…..he gets so excited to see the plants growing.
I have come to realise how important it is to not be fully reliant on others for our food, because if for some reason that supply stops, we will definitely be in a pickle.
I’m glad we are learning this new skill together and hopefully Marcus will continue to grow his own food as an adult. And it’s so grounding spending time in the garden getting dirt under your finger nails.
Let us know if you have any newbie gardening tips!! We have so much to learn!
Flinders Ranges…..who has visited? It’s such an incredible spot and I fell in love with the ancient landscape here.
For a beach lover like me, this was out of my comfort zone, but I think the Flinders Ranges might have made me a mountain holiday convert!
Which do you prefer, beach holiday or mountains?
Let’s give Marcus a ❤️ for growing this amazing strawberry!! This is the first thing we have produced in our garden so we are super duper proud of ourselves. ⁠⁠
We have some tomatoes, capsicum, onions, potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts, pumpkin and cucumbers in the veggie patch as well. We are trying out best to grow them so we can eat it all!⁠⁠
What is the best thing you have grown in your garden!⁠⁠
PS. Something ate the cucumber seedlings though….not sure what! So if you have an idea…..let us know!
Look who came to visit us this morning 💙💙🦭🦭.
#sealion #sealife #eyrepeninsula #elliston #jetty #beachholiday #oceanlife #familytravel #travelfamily #thisisaustralia #southaustralia #travelwithkids #getoutside #bluewater #travel #holidayherethisyear
I've been feeling very disconnected lately, and have been generally avoiding social media where possible, but thought I'd share with you this photo we took from our recent trip to the Flinders Ranges.⁠⁠
The Flinders Ranges was absolutely stunning and it was an amazing spot to get back to nature. We had no television, so we were asleep by 8 pm each night.  We took long walks up big hills, roasted marshmallows by the fire, listened to the sounds of nature, and fell in love with magpies again.⁠⁠
Marcus collected rocks, and looked for fossils, I used the time to try to clear my mind and reconnect.⁠⁠
Has anyone else felt disconnected lately?  Or is it just me?  How do you reconnect when life feels off? ⁠⁠
I found this photo and have always loved not only the light but also that it kind of sums up my values in one brief moment in time.  Freedom, slow living, creativity, being in nature just to name a few.⁠⁠
And I know when I am living life aligned with my values, I am immensely satisfied and content, but when I don't I am miserable. ⁠⁠
When others mock or attack others' values, or try to force their values onto others......that makes me very sad.  And I have seen a lot of this on social media recently.  It is the reason why I don't use Facebook, but unfortunately, I'm seeing it more and more here on Instagram too.⁠⁠
I love Instagram, and I love my beautiful community here (and can I just say that there has not been any negativity from you) but I am thinking another social media break is on the cards for me until all this negativity blows over.⁠⁠
I think I will concentrate on my art, and my photography for a while and I will see you all soon xo⁠⁠
If you could take this yacht anywhere - where would you go?  I'm thinking the Whitsundays, or maybe even the Greek Islands ⛵️🏝, definitely somewhere warm.⁠⁠
Could you live on a boat or travel long-term on one?  Or just a short holiday? ⁠⁠
We are always looking forward to what the future might bring.....but I don't think a holiday to Queensland is going to be in it soon. 🌴⁠⁠
Have you had to cancel holidays plans recently?  I planned a trip to take Marcus to do the theme parks on the Gold Coast mid August, but not sure we are going to be able to go. What should we do - hang tight and hope for the best, or cancel and reschedule?⁠⁠
What frustrates me about this so much, is that I could spend time and money cancelling and shifting dates, and then everything could be fine, or I could leave it and hope for the best.....and it's not and we can't go and I lose $$$.⁠⁠
I was really looking forward to some fun and warmer weather too.  Maybe its time for some positivity to help manifest this trip into reality ❤️✈️⁠⁠
⁠What's the best thing you have ever found on the beach? The rock boobies are definitely my all-time favorite, and I also truly love that Marcus happily posed for a photo with them.😂💕👙⁠⁠
"You do not find the happy life. You make it." Camilla Eyring Kimball 😊💕⁠⁠
Do you grow and produce your own food?  Have you wanted to do this? Have you got some tips for us to get started?⁠⁠
For me, when we first went into lockdown at the beginning of 2020, and all the food disappeared from the shelves,  I realized how much I rely on our supermarkets to provide us with food, and if that ever stopped we would be in a real pickle.  So I decided that I needed to take some control of that. ⁠⁠
I can't wait to get our veggie garden up and running - it's a huge job, much bigger than I anticipated, but small steps and we will get there.  I have an amazing vision of this garden, and I am super excited about it.  And I think we might even get some chooks eventually (but I have no idea how to look after them!!)⁠⁠
Do you rely on the supermarkets?  Did you ever have a situation where the supermarket shelves were bare?⁠⁠
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein ⁠
So tonight we are heading into lockdown here in SA. For a week. This will only be the second lockdown I have had to endure, and I don’t agree with them one bit. If we take a look at Victoria, I don’t really think lockdowns are the solution to the problem…….?? ⁠
I’ve never believed removing our human rights to be a solution to this problem and I feel very lucky to have been able to experience the freedom we have had. ⁠
Have you had enough of lockdowns? What do you think is the solution?⁠
Do you ever have days where you feel like you are drowning with everything you have to do and all the things you want to achieve in life?⁠
When did we get to the stage that our lives became like this? Is it influence from society? From our peers? From social media allowing us to see what people are doing all over the world?⁠
It feels like we have to fill all our time with something of value, otherwise we aren’t contributing.  And is that value measured by what it gives to others or to ourselves?⁠
At the moment I feel as though I am completely drowning, and I know these feelings come in waves and I will get in top of it. How do you handle it and bring balance back?⁠


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