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Cosmic Cousins Gaming

 Ontario, Canada

cozy gamers & squishmallow collector


my body , my choice . 

although I’m in Canada , I have to speak up about what’s happening to our neighbours because it’s making me so upset. 

Here is my story and why i am so passionately pro MY life …

My pregnancy with my daughter was rainbows & sunshine. She was healthy and I was healthy all the way through, until delivery day and I wasn’t. After the delivery of my daughter major complications arose with my placenta and I was quickly bleeding out and dying. I was rushed to a different city and different hospital to save my life . I wasn’t reunited with my newborn for 15 hours after she was born. 

Obviously this was really traumatic and the thought of sex & pregnancy would literally send me into a panic attack . My fiancé got a vasectomy in hopes we never have to go through that all again . 

But vasectomy’s fail , they can grow back in some cases , that’s not 100% … one day it could fail and one day I could be pregnant again . And I will NEVER carry a pregnancy to term again, I shouldn’t have too. I shouldn’t be forced to possibly leave behind 3 healthy happy children with no mother . 

I respect this is a touchy subject and not everyone will have the same views as I do . So I won’t be tagging anyone in this post and make them feel obligated to jump in BUT I urge anyone who is anti-abortion to really think about that logic & the damage that this will do to women and the health care system. 

sincerely, a women who might one day need a abortion 💗
so I really truly did get spoiled on my birthday 🥺

here are some of the gifts my amazing sister bought me but not only that look at the ADORABLE flower plushie she crocheted for me ! 🌸

have you ever got a handmade gift before ? What was it ? 
Be sure to check out my amazing gaming partners below ⬇️ 
* @negativelyc
* @acnh.peaches.photos3
* @ezzie.crossing
* @ca_asper
* @fairylightgaming
* @hazyy_daisy
* @celymallows
* @kenzwithluv
* @cozy.gamerboo 
* @hannis.gaming
* @tay.cozy
* @cozy.reni
* @cozyintrovert_
* @pikaa.who 

I’ve also tagged some lovely people 💗

posted by : tellybam
COMING SOON to Rainbow Mill Shoppe in Strathroy & international shipping and orders here on Instagram ! 

Introducing Cosmic Cousins Crafts: Bullet Journal Stickers and more 

I am so excited for this journey ! Make sure you are following us aswell as @rainbowmillshoppe for updates on when these stickers drop ! 

Also make sure you follow @littlelilypuffs as her art will be featured soon in our stickers ! 

Cow Squishmallow Sticker Sheets - expected to be in store next week ! 

What squish do you want to see as a sticker? 

also be sure to check out my gaming partners below:
* @negativelyc
* @acnh.peaches.photos3
* @ezzie.crossing
* @ca_asper
* @fairylightgaming
* @hazyy_daisy
* @celymallows
* @kenzwithluv
* @cozy.gamerboo 
* @hannis.gaming
* @tay.cozy
* @cozy.reni
* @cozyintrovert_
* @pikaa.who 

also I’ve tagged some lovely people ! 

every share, like, save and comment is so appreciated and supports us so much in this journey 💓 

posted by: tellybam
it’s safe space sunday - ✨trigger warning: trauma, ptsd, anxiety ✨

we were in Algonquin Provincial Park and the 3 kids just fell asleep on our first night of tent camping. My youngest daughter only just turned 1 , and my two sons were 3 and 10. My fiancé and I were sitting at the fire talking and having a drink when suddenly I didn’t feel right. 

Out of no where nausea hits me like a ton of bricks and I have to go puke so I run away from the fire to the far corner of our campsite (cuz puke can attract wildlife like bears 🥲) and empty my stomach. My mind starts racing : ‘did I drink too much? No I didn’t even finish one drink? What’s wrong with me why do I feel so shaky and sick ? 
I start crying and breathing really heavy , I don’t even know why tears are flowing but they are . My fiancé is really worried now asking what’s wrong what’s wrong but my mind is still racing I can barley think of the words to say “I don’t know” but I do manage to get them out . 

Now my breathing feels concerning, and I’m focusing on my heartbeat I can hear it inside my head pounding while my stomach turns and my body shakes and tears flow out of my eyes . My fiancé is still trying to comfort me but everytime he touches me I somehow feel worse . I tell him I need to be alone for a minute and just sit in the truck. 

Once I climb in that truck, things don’t get better. My mind starts to really go down rabbit holes asking myself : Am I dying? Is this a heart attack? What if I am dying how far away even if the closest hospital ? Am I insane I took kids out camping what if they get hurt how long til an ambulance or help arrives ? 

I just laid there , crying and scared and spiralling the entire night . Eventually during it all the thought occurred to me that maybe this is a panic attack ? And that’s when I realized I needed to call my doctor to get help. 

Have you ever had a panic attack? 

Be sure to check out my gaming partners ⬇️ 
* @negativelyc
* @acnh.peaches.photos3
* @ezzie.crossing
* @ca_asper
* @fairylightgaming
* @hazyy_daisy
* @celymallows
* @kenzwithluv
* @cozy.gamerboo 
* @hannis.gaming
* @tay.cozy
* @cozy.reni
* @cozyintrovert_
posted by: tellybam
the celebrations have begun , it’s my birthday 🥳

entering the last year of my twenties and I am always really proud of myself lately on my birthdays . I find myself thinking back to 16 year old me with a newborn baby just being so scared for the future and having not a clue where we could be in 13 years . 16 year old me would never believe that I would have settled into a stable relationship, had 2 more kids and bought 2 houses before I even turned 29 . 

I am proud of me , 16 year old me is proud of me 💗 

Also I got the game I’ve been dying for , happy birthday to me 🎉

check out my gaming partners below ⬇️ 
* @negativelyc
* @acnh.peaches.photos3
* @ezzie.crossing
* @ca_asper
* @fairylightgaming
* @hazyy_daisy
* @celymallows
* @kenzwithluv
* @cozy.gamerboo 
* @hannis.gaming
* @tay.cozy
* @cozy.reni
* @cozyintrovert_
* @pikaa.who 

also I’ve tagged some amazing creators, check them out ! 

posted by: tellybam 🥳
🚨Gaming News: Disney Dreamlight Valley trailer released🚨

if this isn’t a early birthday gift to me from Disney , idk what else it could be ! I’m so so so excited for this animal crossing like Disney game ! 

who is your favourite Disney character if you had to choose only one ? 

Mine will always be Stitch 🥺💙

be sure to check out our gaming partners below ⬇️ 
* @negativelyc
* @acnh.peaches.photos3
* @ezzie.crossing
* @ca_asper
* @fairylightgaming
* @hazyy_daisy
* @celymallows
* @kenzwithluv
* @cozy.gamerboo 
* @hannis.gaming
* @tay.cozy
* @cozy.reni
* @cozyintrovert_
* @pikaa.who 
* @cozygamerabbie 

I’ve also tagged some lovely accounts 💓 

posted by: tellybam
two more sleeps til my birthday 🎉 

I’ve been asking my hubby for Pokémon Diamond for my birthday for months so if he doesn’t get it for me buddy dropped them ball hard 😆💗😅

also he is well aware of my squishmallow and minibrands addictions so I’m hoping for some of those aswell 🤞🏼

what was the best birthday present you ever got ? 

mine was my gameboy colour on my 8th birthday with Pokémon yellow that my mom got me . I’ll never forget that birthday and the excitement I had over that present, I really didn’t expect it from her I didn’t think she could afford that kind of gift but she must have been grinding hard to make her daughters day 🥺💗

be sure to check out my gaming partners below ⬇️ 
* @negativelyc
* @acnh.peaches.photos3
* @ezzie.crossing
* @ca_asper
* @fairylightgaming
* @hazyy_daisy
* @celymallows
* @kenzwithluv
* @cozy.gamerboo 
* @hannis.gaming
* @tay.cozy
* @cozy.reni
* @cozyintrovert_
* @pikaa.who 

I’ve also tagged lovely people that you should go follow 💗

posted by: tellybam




image for link to Discord