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hello there :) ♌︎ ✿ 21 ✿ nyc ✿ comfy & cozy obsessions



image for link to Hover


“Clementine will remember.”🧢
I finished the first season of The Walking Dead Telltale game and I’m very excited to talk about it! I really enjoyed playing this game after knowing the story for so long. It’s hard to know if I made all the right choices (actually I’m pretty sure I didn’t), but I liked this choose your own/action/adventure type game a lot more than I thought I would.
Inspired by the comics written by Robert Kirkman, #telltalethewalkingdead follows a man named Lee as he is thrown into the chaotic and terrifying zombie apocalypse. Before he is able to make sense of this new world, he finds and befriends a young girl named Clementine. The two of them must take on enemies, both human and monster, together. This game revolves heavily on your decisions and each choice you make could change the course of the story.
After playing the game, I am really looking forward to playing the sequel. While I knew the plot of this season, I know virtually nothing about the rest of the game series and I’m excited to experience those stories for the first time!
This game absolutely reminded me of my middle school walking dead obsessed self…I miss it 🤣 Have you ever played an games in this series? Are you a fan of zombie games?
🤠hiya partners:
“The Wind Fish awaits…”🏝
I miss Link’s Awakening already!! Getting to play through this game for the first time on stream was such a great experience. I truly loved #linksawakening so much! I’m so glad it was my first experience completing a Zelda game 🥰
In this Legend of Zelda adventure, Link washes up on the small island of Koholint. As Link learns more about the island, he hears the rumors about the islands existence and the magic of the Wind Fish. He then goes on a journey to collect the instruments needed for the Wind Fish’s song and, hopefully, wake it from its long sleep. However, a question remains, if the Wind Fish wakes up, will this whole journey prove to be a dream?
This game had the perfect balance of challenging puzzles, intense battles, and adorable characters. I genuinely loved every aspect of this game (though it challenged me more than I expected) and I highly recommend Link’s Awakening to my cozy gamers that are interested in getting into the Zelda universe!!
🤠hiya partners:
“good bye memory lane”💌
I finished Lake!! This game was such a pleasant and cute journey. I absolutely loved playing it. The story AND the music 🥺 so so so glad I was able to give the game a play through!
Lake follows a business woman named Meredith who leaves her corporate job for a two week visit to her home town, Providence Oaks. Meredith is filling in for her dad as one of the VERY small town’s mailmen. As you deliver mail, you reunite with old friends and start to remember why you loved your little town so much. The town is full of quirky characters and BEAUTIFUL scenery!
Overall this game is such a lovely indie! #lake feels like living in a hallmark movie with love interests, drama, and nostalgia. I highly recommend Lake to my cozy gamers, narrative lovers, and those of us with a desire to blast the radio and deliver mail. 
Happy happy happy Wednesday!
🤠hiya partners:
“My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned."
When I started my reading binge this past fall, my sisters insisted that I try out The Cruel Prince series. While it wasn’t my favorite read, I can’t say I didn’t speed through the trilogy lol.
Jude has worked her entire childhood to fit in on the dangerous and magical isle of Elfhame. In a world where being human is reason enough to get her killed, Jude must become as cruel as the faeries around her in order to survive; only for her affinity for violence to surprise even her worst enemies.
I absolutely recommend this series to fans of YA #fantasy and enemies to lovers. The #cardan and #judeduarte relationship is the heart of the series and has a passionate community of fans. 
I enjoyed reading this series, but I found it to feel younger than books I usually reach for. However, my love for faerie lore and fascination with what Cardan’s deal was became enough for me to make it through the series. #thecruelprince is a staple in the fairy book universe and was quite the #cozy past time🩵🧚🏻‍♀️
To the people that look up at the stars and wish, this is YOUR BOOK. It would be silly to think that this is the first my #romantasy lovers are hearing about this series. Yet, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t talk about it🫡
Feyre will always sacrifice for the people she loves. However, those sacrifices start to weigh heavy as she adjusts to a new world, lingering memories, and unforgiving expectations. There is someone else that understands that though…too bad they are enemies🫣
I read this book in November and it was quite the emotional experience. #acomaf is the sequel in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by #sarahjmaas. This series sent me on a journey of book reading that I NEVER thought I’d ever have. I wasn’t a reader and simply bought #acotar because my sister asked me to—never planning on reading it. Boy, am I glad that I picked it up. This series brought me comfort and escapism during those tricky days of study abroad and connected me to an insanely fun community. The other #sjmu girlies can definitely attest to the magic of these books.
I hope you guys have a lovely Wednesday! I’ll be catching you all up on my favorite reads over the past nine months🧚🏻‍♀️
fourth wing🤍
Thought I’d join the mass of people freaking out over this book—Violet Sorrengail never thought she’d be a rider. She was happy in the archives carrying on her father’s legacy. However, that is not what her mother had planned. Despite every odd being against her, Violet’s strength proves unmatched. 
I fell in love with this fantasy romance novel. #fourthwing by #rebeccayarros is the adventure I’ve been searching for. My review on goodreads is a little more unhinged than this, but I loved every second to say the least. If you are looking for a exciting, romantic, and plot filled summer read, this is the one!!
Hi loves! I know I’ve been very inactive recently (I’m going through a gaming slump). My main source of coziness at the moment has been books, so I’m gonna post about them for a little while! Do you enjoy #fantasyromance? I LOVE it!
I went ahead and put my goodreads link in my bio if anyone wants to be friends on there! Would love to see what #cozy reads you all are enjoying!
“Hunt’s voice was a thunderclap as he said behind her, “Light it up, Bryce.”❤️‍🔥
After posting about HOEAB, it’s only right that I gush about the sequel too, right?! If I’m being perfectly honest, I think this is my favorite book I’ve ever read.
Crescent City House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J Maas, is the sequel book in her third series. I was so so so invested in this story and I cannot wait for the third book to release next January!!!
I hope you guys don’t mind my posting some books along with the games I’ve been playing recently! I’ve been on a fantasy romance kick and I just can’t stop!
Happy Monday friends!! Hope you are able to enjoy the spring weather🌤️
#cozy #crescentcity #sarahjmaas #bookstagram  #fantasyromance
