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 Toronto, Ontario, CAN

Political data visualization artist based in Toronto, Canada - Contact me for any requests or if you would like to purchase some of my services. Email:


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The Syrian Civil War has been ongoing since unrest began following the 2011 Arab Spring. Perhaps one of the most complex ongoing conflicts in the world, the Syrian Civil War is being fought on multiple fronts involving numerous state and non-state actors throughout the country.

Iran, Russia, Turkey, and the U.S are key external state actors in this war. 

Bashar Al-Assad, President of Syria following his election (unopposed) in 2000, leads his Shia Muslim regime in a majority of the country with support from Russia. 

Rebels including Syrian Arab Army defectors in the Commandos of the Revolution (New Syrian Army) receive support from the U.S and some of its allies. 

The Kurds form a minority ethnic group that experienced discrimination and lack of support from the Assad regime. The region is known as the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria or Rojava. They find themselves in conflict with Turkey and Turkish-backed rebels and were in support of the U.S in the fight against ISIS.

Over 306 thousand civilians have died and over 6.6 million refugees have fled the conflict.

Data from and the map was made with #R and #GIS.


#data #dataviz #osint #gis #maps #syria #savesyria #worldpolitics #worldnews #isis #turkey #middleast #politics #uspolitics #geopolitics #internationalrelations
@joebiden announced yesterday that he would cancel $10 thousand USD of student debt for low- and medium income borrowers.

Borrowers with an income of less than $125 thousand will be eligible for relief. This was after a series of pauses on federal student loan repayments since the beginning of the pandemic.

While many celebrate this policy, some claim this is unfair to those who did not take out or already paid off their student loans. Some argue otherwise, suggesting that the decision does not go far enough in covering drastically increasing costs of education over the past decades.

Data from the Federal Reserve bank of New York. Made with #R, #rstudio 


#uspolitics #usapolitics #usapoliticstoday #joebiden #trump #kamalaharris #debtfree #debtfreejourney #studentloans #cancelstudentdebt #cancelstudentloans #studentloans #debt #politics #economics #money #investing #education #datavisualization #gis #map #dataviz
Map update of #Russia's invasion into #Ukraine.

Map data from @liveuamap. Made with #R, #RStudio.


#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #internationalrelations #refugees #Kharkiv #ukraine🇺🇦 #saveukraine #data #GIS #dataviz #stopwarinukraine #russianinvasion #datavisualization #donbas #kyiv #crimea #politics #worldpolitics #moskva
This week, @SpeakerPelosi had a very visible stop in #Taiwan to during her tour of East Asia. China, enraged by the visit, responded by announcing military drills from August 4 - 7, some of which breach Taiwan's territorial waters.

Is the beginning of new tensions in the region?

Made with #R, #ggplot. Data from @afpphoto.


#data #dataviz #taiwan #nancypelosi #china #ccp #gis #maps #geography #geopolitics #political #worldnews #geography #cdnpoli #uspoli #uspolitics #hongkong #savetaiwan #xijinping #taipei #datavisualization #democracy #authoritarian #taiwan🇹🇼
Price changes of selected goods.

Data from @statcan_eng using @madewithflourish.

#cdnpol #cdnpolitics #cdnecon #canada #politics #data #datavisualization #barchartrace #dataviz
Is the USA facing a recession? New data released from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (@usbeagov) says that the US GDP shrank an additional 0.9 percent in the second quarter of 2022, following a shrinking of 1.6 percent in the first.

Unofficially, the term "recession" applies to when an economy experiences 2 consecutive periods of negative economic growth. However, the official say on when the US is in a recession comes down to the decisions made by the National Bureau of Economic Research. There, a variety of economic indicators are used, including unemployment (which is low), inflation, and others in determining whether the economy should be characterized officially as a recession.


#recession #economics #economicsmemes #econ #economy #biden #trump #uspoli #uspolitics #federalreserve #crypto #stockmarket #unemployment #yellen #jeromepowell #powell #inflation #stagflation #liberal #conservative #money #moneynews #data #datavisualization #dataviz
This week Pope @franciscus arrived in Alberta, Canada to apologize to indigenous communities for the role the Catholic Church had in Canada's infamous residential school program.

The residential school program was established by Christian churches and the Canadian government to strip indigenous peoples of their culture in an attempt to assimilate them into Canadian society. Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, described it as a way to "take the Indian out of the child". 

Children were oftentimes forcefully taken from their indigenous communities and families into environments where they were not allowed to speak their language, wear their traditional clothing, or grow their hair out (for boys). Reports of abuse were prevalent.

Over 3200 indigenous children are officially reported to have died in these schools, although numbers may be higher. The bodies of children have been found in unmarked grave sites.

The last state-run residential school was closed in 1996.

Source: @trctruthandreconciliation report - made with #R #rstudio 


#indigenous #indigenouspeople #catholic #pope #canpol #cdnpol #canpolitics #canadianpolitics #canada #kamloops #residentialschools #ontario #abpoli #canpoli #data #dataviz #datavizualization #everychildmatters #indigenous #truthandreconcilliation