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Erin Vanhee: Herbalist, LMT

 Pacific Northwest, USA

I’ve brought plants to life for thousands of people, foraged and tended harvest sites for decades, building relationship with plants that is storied and true. You can too.


image for link to Classes


Some Herbal Medicine Making wisdom for your morning....

To get the most out of your plants, remember to chop them finely. Packing in un-chopped plants doesn’t do your plant friends justice!

For more medicine making wisdom, join us for Trillium Medicine’s in-person Herbal Medicine Making class. 

This video was taken from a lesson in my Wild Edible & Medicinal Plants of the Pacific Northwest Course. Use code “WINTER50” to receive 50% off any online course through 1/15. 

Follow the link in my bio for more information. 

#myherbalstudies #plantmedicine #herbs #herbalista #plantbased #tinctures #herbaldecoctions #herbaltinctures #decoctions #herbalvinegars #trilliummedicine #herbnerd #herbalist #wildmedicine #foraging #rootedmedicine #wildfood #edibleweeds #wildfoodlove #forage #wildcraft #herbalism #thinkific
Western Washington Herbal Training! 85 hours of training in person, mentoring in between class, home study, wild food meals and herbs that you take home for personal use. Small group size.
One week left to apply for the $500 scholarship! We will be closing enrolment shortly afterward.
Training includes:
Plant and habitat identification: Know how to find your harvest sites and fine tune your identification in 3 seasons.
Apothecary Studies and Medicine Making: Make exquisite medicines and know what to do with them. Skill and confidence with practice.
Build your home/biz inventory: Harvest pristine plants from glorious places that YOU TAKE HOME. This perk is worth hundreds of dollars.
Applications and practice: Hands on practice of applying herbal medicines, choosing remedies, dosages
Somatics: Drop dosing, formulas, deep listening. Profoundly personal work for self and clients
Home study between class in person training.
Questions? Call or email and we will answer. 360.391.2706
Hype is done now, folks. Sign up if you are feeling called.
Western Washington Herbal Training! 85 hours of training in person, mentoring in between class, home study, wild food meals and herbs that you take home for personal use. Small group size.
One week left to apply for the $500 scholarship! We will be closing enrolment shortly afterward.
Training includes:
Plant and habitat identification: Know how to find your harvest sites and fine tune your identification in 3 seasons.
Apothecary Studies and Medicine Making: Make exquisite medicines and know what to do with them. Skill and confidence with practice.
Build your home/biz inventory: Harvest pristine plants from glorious places that YOU TAKE HOME. This perk is worth hundreds of dollars.
Applications and practice: Hands on practice of applying herbal medicines, choosing remedies, dosages
Somatics: Drop dosing, formulas, deep listening. Profoundly personal work for self and clients
Home study between class in person training.
Questions? Call or email and we will answer. 360.391.2706
Hype is done now, folks. Sign up if you are feeling called.
Link is in the bio.
#pnw #herbschool #training #apothecarystudies #herbalmedicinemaking #herbclass #wildcraft #herbalisttraining #skagit #plantID #seattleherbclass #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #plantsofinstagram #bioregionalherbs
Did you miss our blog on brain fog? here's an excerpt- 
Rosemary for Remembrance

Shakespeare himself wrote Rosemary is for Remembrance and rosemary is one of our best and safest remedies for brain fog. One of the many symptoms of brain fog is forgetfulness. Where are my keys? What day is it? Who are You and more disturbing…Who am I? I will get to how rosemary assists in a minute but I have to say that 90 percent of the people I have given a rosemary remedy to have “remembered”  their path and remembered a Calling to their purpose or who they are meant to be on this Earth.  But I digress….

Rosemary is a circulatory tonic with an ascending nature. That means that rosemary is a remedy for making sure that the CSF actually reaches the brain and allows for cognitive acuity, keeping our thoughts on track.  Rosemary can be taken as a tea or tincture and even worn as a crown if you are into that kind of thing. (I am and I have had apprentices who have created rosemary crowns to address chronic headache with some success, I might add)

Rosemary can also be used as essential oil or fresh as a steam to utilise it’s aromatics. The actions of aromatics on brain fog can be profound and immediate as they clear away blockages and open pathways to perception. Aromatics have both a stimulating and sedating action on the nervous and limbic systems relaxing tensions and stimulating clarity- removing cloudy and elusive thoughts which are essentially brain fog.
Want to read more on Brain Fog and how plants can assist? Full blog is on the link in Bio.
#brainfog #plants #remedy #herbaltincture #herbschool #herbs #myherbalstudies #forage #rosemary #mentalhealth #herbalista #pnw #seattleherbschool #skagit #wildcraft
Our nervous system is the best teacher of plant medicine. Spending time in the forests and wild spaces is food for the soul and provides the first step in becoming a medicine maker , medicine keeper, herbalist.
You are welcome to join us at Trillium in our Integrated Plant Medicine Immersion that starts in a few short weeks. But if life finds you elsewhere or unable to attend, we wish you blessings of the woodland and maybe we'll see you on the trail.
The weekend herbal training starts soon. Wild plants, wild spaces, training in habitat, foraging, medicine making and application.
Link in bio.
#herbschool #herbalistsa #plants #pnw #seattleherbalist #skagit #wild #wildcraft #forage #myherbalstudies #naturesremedy #herbalmedicine #apothecary #herbtincture #healingherbs #plantbased #vegan #herbalist
Throwback Thursday to the awesome Hydosols and Distilling Class with guest teacher Dr. Nancy Welliver. What an amazing day we had making fresh hydrosols from start to finish.
#throwback #hydrosol #distillation #water #herbs #apothecary #aromatics #plants #aromatherapy #herbalist #herbs #herbschool
ONE MONTH until we begin the 2023 Herbal Training Immersion. And we still have room for you!
☘️ Social media is funny. I am a herbalist and bodyworker, I have a million things to do and yet, everyday I post a "Hey all you plant lovers! You want to go learn a TON about herbs this year?" Why do I do it? Because I know that the program is good and I want you to have a firm grasp on how to practice herbal medicine using plants that grow around you.
☘️ So, dear reader, are you considering the training this year? I don't have a large following like a lot of other herb teachers here in the PNW. So, if you are in, sign up! If you know someone who is considering it- nudge them! Tag them, spread the word.
🌱 Ok, now back to regular programming, This picture is from a harvest of western coltsfoot at about 1000 feet up a cascade foothill. We kept going up that mountain road and harvested horsetail, nettle and did a lot of identification- wild violets, wild ginger, foxglove, fireweed, lichens, the list goes on.
Link is in the bio.
#herbs #herbschool #buddingherbalist #forage #naturesremedy #wild #wildcraft #myherbalstudies #herbalist #apothecary #pnw #seattle #skagit #medicinewoman #medicinemaker