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Galaxy Yera

Hi I am Galaxy Yera :) A streamer :) these are my links where you can follow and watch me :)


New Spidey comic!!
I see GOOD OLD TRIPLE J got a new image for his front page. I wonder who took this... Eddie is that you again? 馃馃暩锔忦煏凤笍馃暦锔忦煏革笍 #MarvelsSpiderMan2
I AM LIVE ON TWITCH WITH CAM AND ALL!! Let鈥檚 resume our second Let鈥檚 Play of Spider-Man 2 on Ultimate Difficulty. Let鈥檚 defeat Venom who ain鈥檛 a walk in the park cupcake. 馃暩锔忦煏凤笍馃暦锔忦煏革笍
WE ARE VENOM!! WE ARE SCREAM!!! 馃暩锔忦煏凤笍馃暦锔忦煏革笍 #MarvelsSpiderMan2
Forever will be missed Uncle Ben 馃ゲ #marvelsspiderman2
