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 Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

Student of Service Design, Learning and Development & Organizational Design. A Service Performance Guru in the making. I am the bad service police.


One of the causes of employee turnover that I have come to realize is the employment of cheap labour - mostly unskilled and untrained workers.

Most people who work in the industry fall under one of these category of employees:
🧩 Teenagers working to make money to buy JAMB form.
🧩 Those with no plans to further their education beyond secondary school.
🧩 Those who have plans that have yet to panned out. 
🧩 Those that do not know how to do anything else.

These group of people can come and go as they like  because they have no understanding of how their actions affect a hotel’s operations. All they need is the next pay.

Consequently, Owners are constantly left with gaps to fill and more money to spend for training, etc.

On a normal level, this should be a thing of Joy for @chhconsult because yeaaaaa more money to be made. We rather decided to help the industry solve this problem by starting a CSR, the @jofoundation_org .

The JO Foundation enables individuals enable their communities through three fundamental areas: 
🎯 Entrepreneurship 
🎯 Employability 
🎯 Enterprise development 

By training teenagers to acquire entrepreneurial skills, we have helped keep more than 200 of them out of the hotel environment. They now make money by selling products like pastries, beads, liquid soaps (may I add here that I haven’t bought liquid soap for washing of plates in my house since Sylvanus joined the Teens With Skills batch of 2020), etc.

Through the Ideation Series, using our Idea to Market Place curriculum, we have helped 1000+ women generate new ideas and expand their enterprises.

Last year we launched HERday. The biggest platform in Cross River State where women gather to Hear through experience sharing, Empower themselves with new exciting ideas and opportunities and Rejuvenate through networking. 

HERday 2023 is scheduled to hold on the 15th of June 2023. Follow @jofoundation_org for more information and updates.

10 Speakers
10 Influencers
1 Stage

Plan to be there!

#jo #jofoundation❤️ #herday #herday2023
It’s Human Resources Day 2023.

This is appreciating everyone contributing to the growth and development of personnel in every sector.

Love them or not, if you are in the corporate world you can’t live without them.

Mention and appreciate anyone involved in:
🎯 Recruitment and selection 
🎯 Performance management 
🎯 Learning and Development 
🎯 Succession planning 
🎯 Compensation and benefits 

Cheers to us all 🥂

I am the bad service police 👮🏽 

#jo #justinaovat #hr #hrday #humanresources
While the world was getting into the groove of the new year’s celebration, Dev was driving his cab through the crowded streets. He couldn’t think of doing anything else. After losing his wife to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dev spent most of his time working. Driving his cab day and night as if nothing had happened. Inside, however, he was suffering. He had forgotten how to smile and what it meant to be happy.

He was lost in his thoughts when a man hailed him for a ride. He was well dressed and had a bunch of gifts in his hands. After helping him tuck his luggage and gifts into the boot, Dev started the ride. The destination was quite far. A few minutes into the journey, the passenger started chatting with Dev. He told his name and what he does for a living. Rohit was full of life.

After a while, even Dev couldn’t stop himself and asked Rohit if he was new to the city or visiting someone here. “I have been in Canada for two years. It feels great coming home after such a long time. The best thing is, they have no idea I’m coming,” replied Rohit, animatedly.

“Sounds like you have a big, loving family,” said Dev.

“A very big family, yes. I have missed them a lot,” Rohit replied.

A lucky man, Dev wondered.

When they reached their destination, Rohit got out of the car and invited Dev for a cup of coffee. Just as Dev got out of the cab, a stream of children rushed outside laughing and screaming.

“Welcome to my home sweet home,” said Rohit. It was an orphanage.

Dev was standing in disbelief. All of the children’s faces were glowing with happiness. They had no one yet they were not alone. They had each other.

At that moment, Dev learned something that he wouldn’t for the rest of his life. Happiness grows when shared.

And after a long time, he was smiling again.


It’s a great day to share some happiness.
#tgif #happiness #share #jo
Imago dei 🙇🏽‍♀️
Employee turnover…

We were almost left without staff @backhouselounge on Sunday. It was interesting to read and listen to messages between management staff on the WhatsApp group about what happened and how the matter will be resolved.

I make bold to say that we have the best hands - management team right now since inception. My judgment is based on the ownership mentality they have adopted. It is said that if your business cannot survive without you for about six months then you are not running a profitable business.

The rate of employee turnover in the hospitality industry is becoming alarming especially in Calabar where I am.

Turnover can be defined as the entire cycle of losing employees and the process of replacing them. It includes an accounting of each time a position is vacated, either by the employee quitting or being otherwise terminated; and measures the relationships of employees to an organization as they leave, regardless of reason.

Usually the first and second highest-rated reasons for turnover center on the organization's leadership, specifically citing communication and quality of supervision or management. 

Quality of supervision and communication are critical attributes of any hierarchical structure and can be improved with effective training. 
Employees have a strong need to be informed. Businesses with strong communication systems enjoy lower staff turnover.

This is where I think we got it wrong - communication. After listening to and reading their discussions, it was easy to identify where the problem came from.

Other reasons for high turnover point directly to employee training, specifically lack of clear-cut responsibility and absence of direction for the employee and the company. 

Employee training is the most useful tool to fill these voids. On-the-job knowledge is a critical variable in building employee comfort, performance, satisfaction, and ultimately the desire to stay with the company.

What is turnover costing your company? Invest the money in training.

I am the bad service police 👮🏽 

#jo #justinaovat #turnover #employeeturnover #hospitality
35th convocation of my Alma Mater, University of Calabar.

My love for the school’s song ehnnnnnn 🥰🥰🥰

Congratulations to all the new holders of the highest academic degree, Ph.D.

Way to go 🧑🏾‍🎓
We are ready to receive our guests for the 35th convocation ceremony of the University of Calabar.

Protocol unit and Ushers selected, trained and ready for work.

You are all invited

#jo #justinaovat #trainer #convocation #unical #unicaltrend