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Karin Lewis, MA, LMFT, CEDS

Host of the Recovery Bites podcast


We are honored to welcome Melissa A. Fabello, PhD, board-certified life coach specializing in sex and relationships, for the newest episode of Recovery Bites, ”Skin Hunger.”

Tune in for a discussion on the intersection of eating disorders and sexuality, how a woman’s sexuality is “stolen” from them, restricting sexuality, understanding the full-scope of sexuality in client work, the Five Circles of sexuality, touch at all ages, the concept of “skin Hunger,” politicized values, and more! 

Melissa A. Fabello, PhD is a sex and relationships educator, as well as author, coach, and digital creator, who uses her backgrounds in educational development, holistic life coaching, and sexology to help you be in right relationship to yourself and others through clarifying your values, building new relational skills, and owning your truth. As a queer femme, she believes deeply in the power of community care, which is what her work is rooted in.

Melissa believes that relationships are political. And in her various educational work through social media, workshops and support groups, and writing, in addition to one-on-one coaching, she makes it her goal to warmly, but firmly invite others into conversations around sexual and relational wellness that prioritize values alignment within a liberationist, abolitionist framework.

Melissa holds a PhD in Human Sexuality Studies from Widener University, where her dissertation research explored how women with anorexia nervosa make meaning of their experiences with sensual touch. Check out her groundbreaking book, “Appetite: Sex, Touch, and Desire in Women with Anorexia.” She also holds an M.Ed. in Human Sexuality from Widener and a B.S. in English Education from Boston University.

You can listen to Melissa’s episode by clicking the link in our bio, at and on all podcast streaming platforms. As always, thank you for listening!
#Feminism #SelfEmpowerment #Intimacy #IntersectionalFeminism #HealingWork #SexPositivity #EDWarrior #Touch #GrowthMindset #Appetite #SexualHealth #HealingJourney #InnerCritic #SexualWellness #HealthyRelationships #WeDoRecover #RecoveryBites #RecoveryPodcast
This week, Karin welcomes Jennifer D'Amato, Intuitive Eating Counselor and coach, to the show for, ”The Intuitive Eating Mama.”

Tune in for a discussion on how diet culture imprisons society, the dangers of marketing healing as “health and wellness”, eating disorders and sex drive, raising intuitive eating children, the implications of “clean your plate”, allowing unconditional permission to eat, removing food and diet talk, especially around children, and more.

Jennifer D'Amato is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, coach, mom of four, podcaster, lover of all things pink, and wants you to live your best health and your best life.

Jennifer specializes in helping women reconnect with their body, make peace with food, and redefine their health to allow one to walk away from diet culture and embrace all life has to offer. By relearning what your body needs, reconnecting with your body's biological signals and redefining what health is on your terms. She encourages clients to see examine what dieting creates a barrier to true body connection.

Jennifer offers both private and group coaching from an anti-diet approach and also incorporates the principles of Health at Every Size® (HAES) into her practice to help women implement the principles of intuitive eating and heal their relationship with food and body. You can also listen to Jennifer on her podcast, “The Intuitive Eating Mama."

You can listen to Jennifer’s episode by clicking the link in our bio, at and on all podcast streaming platforms. As always, thank you for listening!
#TheIntuitiveEatingMama #HAES #EmotionalHealth #IntuitiveEating #MindAndBody #SelfConfidence #HealthCoach #EffYourBodyStandards #InnerCritic #SelfLoveFirst #HealthAtEverySize #EDWarrior #RecoveryJourney #EDCommunity #HealthMotivation #SelfCompassion #ChangeYourMindset #RecoveryBites #RecoveryPodcast
This week, Karin welcomes Rachel Harvest, MS, RDN, CDN, registered dietitian, behavioral health specialist, personal coach, and pilates apparatus instructor, to the show for, ”A Recipe for Loving Yourself”

Tune in for a discussion on the four pillars of “self” that comprise The Harvest Method, the role of connecting to and understanding self on the healing journey, shifting from “not/either” to “both/and” to achieve balanced living, self-empowering through “I don’t know,” Project: Love, Me, one mindedness vs multitasking, growing up in ballet and the culture that comes with, and much more.

Rachel Harvest, MS, RDN, CDN is a registered dietitian, behavioral health specialist, personal coach and pilates apparatus instructor out of NYC.

A former professional classical ballet dancer, Rachel danced through most of her 20s, becoming certified to teach Pilates Apparatus in 2007, to support her transition out of the dance world. Both ballet and Pilates taught her a keen understanding of anatomy and physiology and movement.

Rachel graduated from NYU with a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition in 2013. She didn’t appreciate the methods of in-patient medical nutrition therapy as it lacked the person-centered approach she believes nourishment requires. During her studies, she saw a need for supporting people learning why it is important to take care of themselves and relating to themselves with confidence and compassion, over the need to educate how.

Rachel got trained in functional nutrition, dialectical behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness and mind-body practices and incorporate them into behavioral health coaching for her clients.

You can listen to Rachel’s episode by clicking the link in our bio, at and on all podcast streaming platforms. As always, thank you for listening!
#TheHarvestMethod #EmotionalHealth #InnerWork #DBT #MindsetShift #SelfConfidence #CBT #FunctionalNutrition #InnerCritic #EffYourBodyStandards #KeepGoing #SelfLoveFirst #EDWarrior #RecoveryJourney #EDCommunity #PositiveMindset #SelfCompassion #WeDoRecover #MindsetCoach #RecoveryBites #RecoveryPodcast #EDAW2023 #NotOneMore
We are thrilled to welcome Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC, founder and licensed therapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, to the show for, ”Eating Disorder Hope.”

Tune in for a discussion on finding meaning in suffering, what happens when one’s external image does not align with their internal sense of self, feeling “whole,” treating eating disorders and substance abuse simultaneously, the changing family dynamic, how to recognize strides towards recovery, and more!

Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC is the President of Ekern Enterprises, Inc and licensed therapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. After recovering from her eating disorder, Jacquelyn found herself driven by a profound desire to help those struggling, she founded Eating Disorder Hope, and later, Addiction Hope.

Jacquelyn holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services from The University of Phoenix and Master’s degree in Counseling/Psychology, from Capella University. She has extensive experience in the eating disorder field including advanced education in psychology, participation, and contributions to additional eating disorder groups, symposiums, and professional associations. 

She is a member of the Academy of Eating Disorders (AED), the Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) and the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp).

You can listen to Jacquelyn’s episode by clicking the link in our bio, at and on all podcast streaming platforms. As always, thank you for listening!
#EDAwareness #SafeSpace #HealthyBoundaries #EDH #EmotionalHealth #InnerWork #HealingJourney #AddictionRecovery #InnerCritic #SoberCommunity #EDHope #WeDoRecover #EDWarrior #SelfLoveFirst #InvisibleIllness #BoundariesAreHealthy #SelfCompassion #MentalHealthAwareness #RecoveryBites #RecoveryPodcast
We are honored to welcome Virgie Tovar, author, lecturer, and leading expert on weight-based discrimination and body positivity, to the show for, ”You Have the Right to Remain Fat.”

Tune in for a discussion on fat discrimination and oppression from diet culture, dissecting the meaning of fat phobia, weight discrimination facts, the ways body size shapes gender roles and stigma, self-hatred as a barrier to finding self-love, recovering from fat phobia in a culture steeped in stigma, keeping hope of recovery in the face the limitations of society, behind-the-scenes of her 2018 TedX talk, and more!

Virgie Tovar is an author, lecturer, and leading expert on weight-based discrimination and body positivity. She holds a Master's degree in Sexuality Studies with a focus on the intersections of body size, race and gender. She is a contributor for Forbes where she covers the plus-size market and how to end weight discrimination at work. In 2013, she started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNotWeight and in 2018 gave a TedX talk on the origins of the campaign. 

Virgie is the editor of "Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion”, and author of "You Have the Right to Remain Fat", "The Self-Love Revolution: Radical Body Positivity for Girls of Color", "The Body Positive Journal"

Virgie has received three San Francisco Arts Commission Individual Artist Commissions, the Inspire Award from Project HEAL, as well as Yale's Poynter Fellowship in Journalism. Virgie has been featured by the New York Times, Tech Insider, BBC, MTV, Al Jazeera, NPR, and Yahoo Health. She lives in San Francisco. 

You can listen to Virgie’s episode by clicking the link in our bio, at and on all podcast streaming platforms. As always, thank you for listening!
#LoseHateNotWeight #FatPositive #EDWarrior #Inclusion #SafeSpace #SelfLoveFirst #Empowerment #EndTheStigma #Activism #Intersectionality #EDAwareness #AllBodiesAreGoodBodies #DietCulture #SocialJustice #Diversity #EDAwareness #RecoveryBites #RecoveryPodcast
This week, Karin welcomes Gloria Lucas, eating disorder awareness activist and founder of Nalgona Positivity Pride, to the show for our newest episode, "Harm-Reduction Education Isn't Optional."

Tune in to for a discussion on how the BIPOC community is left out of ED treatment and access, the strategies of harm-reduction aimed to reduce negative consequences, how harm-reduction offers safety, challenging the realities of one’s political and values system, harm-reduction as a tool for radical love for and from the community, reducing the stigma of harm-reduction through medical literacy and advocacy, and more!

Gloria Lucas is an eating disorders awareness activist that specializes in intersectional eating disorders education and resources that transform the lives of BIPOC individuals and expand eating disorders treatment models. Being the founder and CEO of Nalgona Positivity Pride (@nalgonapositivitypride), she is able to raise awareness through digital media, public speaking, and grassroots activism. 

Gain the tools, inspiration, and support while adopting a harm-reduction framework that suits you and the communities you serve by enrolling in Nalgona Positivity Pride's, “Eating Disorder Harm-Reduction Course,” a comprehensive eating disorder harm reduction course for eating disorder and care providers. Sign up at:

You can listen to Gloria’s episode by clicking the link in our bio, at and on all podcast streaming platforms. As always, thank you for listening!
#HarmReductionSavesLives #Inclusion #RepresentationMatters #BIPOC #SelfPreservation #SafeSpace #RadicalCompassion #Empowerment #HarmReduction #EndTheStigma #Activism #SocialJustice #Diversity #EatingDisorderHarmReduction #EDWarrior #HealthcareProfessionals #EDAwareness #Intersectionality #RecoveryBites #RecoveryPodcast
“Resolve. Relapse. Repeat. Continue.
Sounds like an eating disorder, doesn’t it?”

Tune in for Bite No. 4 for Karin reflecting on New Year’s Resolutions… and skipping them. 

Have a question to ask Karin? Submit a question to be answered as a future bite by sending us DM.

You can listen to Bite 4 by clicking the link in our bio, at and on all podcast streaming platforms. As always, thank you for listening!
#RecoveryBites #EmotionalHealth #MentalWellness #PersonalGrowth #SelfCompassion #InvestInYourself #RecoveryWarrior #HealingJourney #KnowledgeIsPower #SelfWorth #ChangeYourMindset #EDCommunity #RecoveryPodcast #SetGoalsNotLimits #EDWarrior #RinseAndRepeat #KarinLewis #EffYourBeautyStandards