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Katt Strike

If I look tired, it's because I am. Musician/Producer ✌Twitch affiliate.



A lot of people have been encouraging me to sell and share my crochet (it's something I've done for years and am really passionate about, outside of music & gaming πŸ‘€). I

I've made a separate Instagram over at @kattandthebeanstalk so I don't spam here (as this account is mainly for stream stuff & shitposting). 

I'm hoping to start doing craft markets soon, so I'm just building the page atm to pop on my applications ❀ I've been working on making lots of things since November which I'll be sharing there! 

I've been too unwell to stream, but crochet has given me a little happy place πŸ’– I'll be back this week coming tho!! Anyways... see you soon! 😘
We've had Monty for a whole week! πŸ₯³

He's starting to get more social, and he's hiding under the bed less. What a sweet little man! 
(One day he'll let us pet him, I just know it πŸ˜‚) 

He's started to greet me in the mornings, and he's spending more time just chilling with me. I have yet to introduce him to trash TV, but we're working on it πŸ‘€

#fostercat #adoptdontshop #voidboi #cutie
Monty is very hard to photograph πŸ˜‚... but he's slowly coming out of his shell πŸ’–

He was a stray for years, just living in people's gardens :( I've never met such a poorly cat - but he's been curious and eating plenty, so that's all good signs! 

All of the shelters in our area are at capacity, so he was staying in a garage until they could find a foster. The lady looking after him is soo lovely. She did everything she could, but she couldn't have him in her home because he would infect her cats. He's been fighting the flu since October, so we're hoping with a warm home & some affection that he might turn a corner. He's been wheezing a lot, and he sneezes whenever he sniffs 😭 

I feel so sorry for him, but he is a very brave cat, who's showing more trust each day! 😭😭 

We're trying him on some new meds so 🀞 he starts to get better soon! πŸ™

#adoptdontshop #fostercat #fosteranimals #voidboi
Thank you SO SO much for sending me this amazing Kay's Cooking tee boomboomk9000!! (from Twitch πŸ’œ) 

Kay will always be my favourite content creator, and now I can keep her giant baps close to mine forever! πŸ₯Ί

Thank you for sending me this through @jointhrone 😭 It really cheered me up when I needed it. You are a real gem ❀
We've been talking about getting a cat for a longggg time... and it's finally happening 😭😭 

This is Monty, he's an FIV stray who's been very poorly with cat flu - and we're going to be fostering him from the end of next week!! ❀ 

We weren't expecting to hear back so soon, and we feel totally unprepared! But ahhh! We're so excited to give this little bubs a home 😭 

I can't wait to watch 90 Day Fiancé with him and give him lots of cuddles! I feel a bit nervous too - but we're both really excited to be able to help the little man ❀
Happy Birthday Mum πŸ’–

I still think about you a lot, and how much the world has changed since time stopped for you. As I get closer to the age I last knew you, I find myself becoming more reflective. I feel closer to you in ways I didn't think I'd ever find myself - but sometimes, I still miss you so deeply. Your wicked laugh, your dark humour, and your overall warmth.

You taught me so much about kindness. I can't count the amount of times you stopped in the street to help strangers in need. It's something I still carry with me to this day πŸ’›(pay it forward)πŸ’›

It's so strange to have lived half my life without you at this point, but my love and connection to you has never wavered. 

It took me a long time to come to terms with your passing (37 is too young!), but I wouldn't be the same person today had I not come through the other side.

I do wish that we could have gone clubbing together, but maybe I can take your ashes out on a knees up to make up for it 😜

Happy Birthday Mum  xxx
Lads, lads, lads!! πŸ’– 

What a lovely (busy πŸ˜…) week! I had so much fun ❀❀❀ Thank you to my lovely friends for involving me in the events around Jingle Jam - I had such a great week ☺️


My Music
