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Tara Panagiota

☿ teaching you how to predict events in your life with playing cards & astrology #cardology


image for link to What's in the cards for you? ♡
What's in the cards for you? ♡
Personal Readings and Reports



What power does your location hold? (US residents)  Check out the #relocardology chart 
#cardology #tarapanagiota #relocardology #birthcard #astrocartography #learnthecards #prediction #playingcards  #destinycards #deckofcards #tarot #cardologer #relocation
Y’all please report and block this imposter account learnthecarrds
Planetary Period Reference 🪐 
#cardology #tarapanagiota #birthcard #learnthecards #prediction #playingcards  #destinycards #deckofcards #tarot #cardologer #astrology #vedicastrology #mercury #venus #mars #jupiter #saturn #uranus #neptune #pluto #planets #astrocards #cardologycommunity #cardscience #planetaryperiod
If today is your birthday then you are the four of clubs!⁣ .
#cardology #tarapanagiota #birthcard #learnthecards #prediction #playingcards  #destinycards #deckofcards #tarot #cardologer
If today is your birthday then you are the five of clubs!⁣ .
#cardology #tarapanagiota #birthcard #learnthecards #prediction #playingcards  #destinycards #deckofcards #tarot #cardologer
If today is your birthday then you are the six of clubs!⁣ .
#cardology #tarapanagiota #birthcard #learnthecards #prediction #playingcards  #destinycards #deckofcards #tarot #cardologer
If today is your birthday then you are the seven of clubs!⁣ .
#cardology #tarapanagiota #birthcard #learnthecards #prediction #playingcards  #destinycards #deckofcards #tarot #cardologer