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TECH TUESDAY!! (A little late this week!)

As mentioned last week I am moving away from the stream setup for a few weeks. This week I want to look at the latest addition to my move towards a ‘smart home’. It is the Apple HomePod Mini.
I have always been interested in smart home tech and have an Amazon Alexa in nearly every room of my house. However have always struggled to integrate them with some other devices and used them more as a timer/speaker in every room. 

For the full review check out my Facebook page (

I wasn't sure if i would recommend this device and never saw myself moving from Amazon Echos but having tried this is am now going to be slowly replacing all of the Amazon devices in my house for these and maybe even the bigger HomePod for the living room! More expensive but worth the money ONLY if looking to build a smarter home (not worth the extra money just for the speakers).

🟢Great audio quality for such a small device
🟢Super simple setup with no hassle or connection issues
🟢Seamless integration with other Apple products and smart home tech
🔴A little more expensive than Amazon devices
🔴Not worth the money if just using them as speakers 

#TechTuesday #SmallStreamer #Apple #HomePodMini
A bit of a change for the next few weeks from the tech on my setup! Some new gadgets I recently got i want to give my initial impressions on!

This week is the Guinness Nitrosurge device. (Not a paid ad all my views are my own!)
Many of you in the UK may have seen these recently marketed and released in Tesco. I had to pick one up for myself to test it out and also compare it to ‘ordinary’ cans of Guinness.

The difference is actually very noticable, it is more creamy smooth and a great comparrison to a pint of the black stuff straight from the tap in a pub/bar!

For the full review check out my Facebook page (

I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of Guinness, this is expensive of course but it is still cheaper than an average pint in the pub and the cloest you can get to a proper pint of it at home! 

🟢 Genuinely think this would compare well to a pint of draught
🟢 Easy to use and rechargeable so will last as long as you look after it
🟢 Small form and very easy to pack away when not using

🔴 An expensive device to pay out for
🔴 Nirto cans also cost more (however still cheaper than a pint in a bar)
🔴 Would need a keen interest in Guinness to really have a need to have a better can at home that the ‘ordinary’ cans you can get

#TechTuesday #SmallStreamer #Guinness #Nitrosurge
Happy St Patricks Day!! #HalfIrish #StPaddysDay #Guinness
#BirthdayBoy #34Today #PartyTime
Happy Birthday Lewb!!! 

Love Lady Lewb xx
A very true one today....I love the feeling of pushing myself to achieve my goals. A recent one has been completing my 24 hour streams to raise money for Sands! #Sands #MotivationalMonday #MondayMagic #Quotes
A great Motivational Monday saying and one that I think we all forget sometimes.....#MotivationalMonday #MondayMagic