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Lisa Maccagno

 Austin, TX

☆ Content creator ☆ host of Surviving Your 20s podcast ☆ advice for your 20s


The twenties are a decade of constant transformation and growth, and ups and downs are normal! One day can look totally different from the next. We’re all just humans feeling things, so go easy on yourself on the gray days and know that tomorrow is a new day 🤍
#adviceforyour20s #inmytwenties #twentysomething #adulting #mentalhealthcheckin #selfcaretips
Something kind of mindblowing I learned in my twenties is that building self confidence starts with ✨self trust✨ And it makes so much sense.
@brenebrown gave a talk once called “The Anatomy of Trust,” where she says that trust is built in very small moments.
Like I say in this reel — do things that Future You will thank you for:
- taking your makeup off after a night out
- bringing a jacket just in case
- laying out your clothes the night before a busy morning
- setting a second alarm
These are just a few examples, but small steps like these are how we show ourselves we are trustworthy, and that translates into confidence 😌 How do you build confidence in your twenties?
#adviceforyour20s #inmytwenties #twentysomething #adulting #confidencetips #adultingthoughts #postgradlife
One day, at some point in our twenties, we all become person number 2 😂
original sound by: @thevibewithky 
#adviceforyour20s #millennialmemes #adulting #inmytwenties #twentysomething
Feeling like I was behind was my quintessential quarter life crisis struggle, especially in my early-mid twenties.
I was unsure of who I was, what I wanted, and what my purpose is. Like why am I here — why are we all here? What are we doing? What does this all mean, the point of anything, really? Stuff that kept me up at night.
I felt like time was running out to achieve all my goals and reach certain milestones. I was comparing myself to peers and even random strangers online. Couple this with a lot of transitions going on in my life and I just felt…lost.
This reel audio really captures the solution to all this. That it’s okay to not be “there” yet. Everything good in life takes time, and everyone’s timing is different.
Now I’m not gonna lie and say “we’ll I’m 27 now so I have my shit together and know everything about everything” (absolutely not). But it is a good reminder to just RELAX. Take a breath. And remember that you weren’t born on this planet with 30 lifetimes of experience. This is literally your first time living.
You’re doing the best you can with what you’ve been given and what you’ve learned. You’re gonna be fine 🫶🏻
#adviceforyour20s #twentysomething #twentysomethings #inmytwenties #adultingishard #adulting #adulting101 #quarterlifecrisis #quarterlife #early20s #mid20s #late20s
The next time you feel jealous of someone online, remember that social media is just a highlight reel of people’s lives — friendship or relationship struggles, not wanting to get out of bed, and bloating are normal and happen to all of us (among many other very human things) 🤍
#adviceforyour20s #inmytwenties #twentysomething #twentysomethings #adulting #adultingishard #quarterlife #quarterlifecrisis #early20s #mid20s #late20s #mentalhealthadvice #socialmediavsreality
Why is it when I need the most brainpower, there’s a whole lotta nothin going on up there 🧠
#adviceforyour20s #twentysomething #twentysomethings #inmytwenties #corporatememes #corporatemillennial #productivityhacks #workfromhomelife #workfromhomeproblems #workhumor #workfromhomejobs 
[work from home jobs, corporate millennial, corporate memes, work memes, working from home, career, adulting, productivity]
please excuse my resting beach face
📸: @ana__bridges 
#beachday #beachphotos #nofilterneeded #travelwhileyoucan #girlstrip #inmytwenties #twentysomething #bikinilife


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