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Michelle Pereira


She is p i x ela te d.
Homemade Longganisa Sausages

I made sausages from scratch for the first time and it was pretty fucking delish and I'm pretty fucking proud of myself.

The End.

@thulpfiction woke up and decided to be an ass today by implying I'm a purist when it comes to food.

So I woke up and decided to lean into that shit and declare a carbonara war.

Pasta from scratch, bacon from @nevdecon
and cheese from, what Bangalore calls, The Cheese Monk.

Bring it, sir.
Falafel for Father

Last night, mother soaked some chickpeas and then this morning gave me the side-eye, almost willing me to say, "*sigh* What do you want me to make?"

Father usually likes a snack in the evening and it's almost become a ritual now to have him walk into the kitchen and say, "What are you making for me?"

To appease both the 'rentals, I made Falafel, Hummus, and toasted up some store-bought pita (As previously mentioned, we make enough things from scratch. Pls leave me alone.)

For my own plate, I cut up some fresh veggies, and added sliced beef marinated in cumin and garlic which I finished off on an open flame to fake some fire-grilled action.

Soaked chickpeas were used and both parents were pleased with their little food monkey and her dance.

I have done absolutely no work today 🥲
Minced Pork with Beans, something.

Double whammy on the cooking because it's refrigerator raid day!

The day when I take all the produce and ingredients I bought and fully forgot about, and try to make a thing in an effort to not be a wasteful little bitch.

Today's star ingredients: French beans, some chillies holding on for dear life, green onions that are holding onto the chillies, and some sad avocados (I cannot express the depth of their sadness. They refused to even plate pretty one last time before their demise. RIP avos.)

What I came up with is this ridiculously easy, street-food-like plate of minced pork with beans on a bed of broken wheat. Topped this with a fried egg. Broke the yolk on transfer. That's twice today. This is an omen. Bad omen. I attempted to fan out the avocado, but it was not a fan of this idea, so I chose to just let it do whatever it wanted. I'm rambling at this point because this plating situation was frustrating as fuck.

I also added some pickled radish and homemade chilli oil or whatever. Who cares? I somehow managed to type myself into another sulk session making this post.

Enjoy, I guess.
Cilbir (Turkish Eggs) 

Been a while since I poached eggs, but girl's still got it.

Two perfectly poached eggs sat on garlicky yoghurt, drizzled with chilli butter, and topped with crispy garlic flakes (we love our textures) dill and mint.

Served with a side of store-bought kulchas (We make enough things from scratch. Leave me alone)

The break on one of the eggs while transferring from spoon to bowl also broke my heart 💔 I'm sure there's a lesson in expecting perfection in there, but I'm going to fully ignore it and spend the next 5 hours sulking instead.

Also *burp*
Because we need to talk about @thesylvestertrio a whole lot more.