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“ We are at the vanguard of a new industry determined to pioneer twenty-first century spacecraft, which will open space to everybody — and change the world for good.” – Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Galactic BECOME AN ASTRONAUT This year, we’ll be making a limited number of tickets available for future spaceflights. Take the leap with us as we get one step closer to filling the world with astronauts. SPACEPORT AMERICA Spread across 27 square miles, Spaceport America is our center of flight operations, and the world’s first purpose-built commercial spaceport.



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The 'Galactic 04' flight window opens on Thursday, October 5, 2023. This mission will be the 5th spaceflight in 5 months.

Read on via link in bio! 

#VirginGalactic #Space #LetsGo #Galactic04
Rediscover your childlike sense of wonder with us. #Galactic03
We love space acrobatics. Check out the #Galactic03 spaceflight stats from today!

⏰ Take-off Time
08:34am MDT

📍 Altitude at Release
44,867 ft

🚀 Apogee
55.03 Miles

Top Speed
2.95 Mach

🌎 Landing Time
09:36 AM MDT

More Details in Link in Bio!
Preparations are well underway for today’s #Galactic03 spaceflight in the hangar. Take-off is scheduled for 8:30am MDT. Stay tuned for live updates on X.
Final fit check done ✅ #Galactic03
POV: It’s L-2 during spaceflight week! Today’s agenda includes G Awareness training in an aerobatic aircraft. #Galactic03
🤩 It’s giving #Galactic03 spaceflight week vibes. Tag three friends you’d want to catch a ride to space with below!